So this may seem a bit jumbled, but that's my thought process in this. Skull Servant will definitely follow the Man Is The Bastard/Bastard Noise path - being both a band that is influenced by power-violence approach to punk rock, wielding an Einsturzende Neubauten (who had members of punk band Abwarts) approach to industrial music as well as engaging in newer forms of noise. I'm currently crafting two or three songs that take direct influence from punk songs, but are essentially noise and adding my own spin to them while the full Skull Servant Orchestra is arranged, finalized and fleshed out.
Considering that I have considered myself a punk and listen to a lot of punk music, one of the early targets of punk was Ronald Reagan (whether as governor or addle-minded president). Here's my take on the day he was shot courtesy of the tapes the Secret Service just released:
Hinckley Was Right by Skull Servant
Considering that I have considered myself a punk and listen to a lot of punk music, one of the early targets of punk was Ronald Reagan (whether as governor or addle-minded president). Here's my take on the day he was shot courtesy of the tapes the Secret Service just released: