Throughout the Summer all plans have been derailed. In fact it took all summer to get back most of my recording gear, so that things can now progress as it should. Servant No.2 has been working hard on their personal noise work. Now seems like the appropriate time to regroup and start working on "The Humans" which is the next "music" tape which will cover surveillance's effect on the human psyche and changes our behaviour. Mostly ideas about how we revert to (dominant) cultural norms when confronted with observation. Side B will cover some ideas about fear. Looks like early in the new year we should see the tape. Also an accompanying noise tape whose theme is yet to be determined, but will be about all-pervasive surveillance as well.
You can get the Watching 7" through Scream and Writhe as well as Analog Worship. That happened a bit ago, grab them as you will. There's also a couple copies of the Watchful tape at Analog Worship. Basically, these are the only two places to get it outside of the local Hamilton area, outside of us. We are interested in trades and other distribution opportunities. Contact us at The irony shouldn't surprise you, should it?
Long term projects? Why yes, we have a ton. The Watching (dub) lathe cut is still in process. More alley shows, especially in the winter. We will see (as will they).