So to remedy the post first show blues, we're doing a second noise show. Once all the details are finalized, you gentle reader will be appraised of all the details.
Also, our tape is available at our newfangled Skull Servant shop. You'd think that we would be ecstatic about the Edward Snowden leaks, and Prism, unfortunately, it's just the truth. The only way to foul up the system of surveillance that we live in is to either opt out of the Internet (unlikely to happen) or to purposefully obfuscate the messages and identities of who we are. Make their data worthless, or so onerous to decode what is truthful (and really what is the truth?) and what is manipulation. That's part of why we hide our identities when we play, as a symbolic gesture as to retain privately who we are. It's not a secret who we are, especially in our own communities and cities, but it's a fleeting, ultimately futile gesture of how things should be. Private when we want to; public when we want to.