
Total Collaboration Set No. 1



Bring out your video cameras/digital cameras and document this. We want footage of this to edit together for a DVD. Contact us at skullservantnoise@gmail.com for the details of how to get it to us.



Snake Charmer Death Cult Skull Servant.

Total Collaboration Set 1.

December 20.

Before this show:

If you don't know where, ask at Hammer City Records. Or use critical thinking faculties and scroll down.


News Again

Servant #3 recorded last week and the last couple weeks were mixing. If you've heard our stuff already, you've heard definitely inferior versions. Will be posting the tracks up on Bandcamp, as the whole 7" takes shape. Next step is mastering, then off to plating and the plant.

Figured out some new rhythm generation with guitars, feedback, and two delays. Was able to keep the rhythm going almost 30 minutes, without too much degradation from the delay. Also discovered another new sound by placing a plastic pumpkin carver picked up at the dollar store on the strings, inspired by what Neubauten do here:


Watching is Listening

Guitars were recorded earlier this week - some buttoning up needs to be done, but otherwise, as they say in the movies, it's a wrap. Off to mastering, then vinyl in the new year, looking like February. Will put up a digital version on Bandcamp for those who are digitally inclined.

Skull Servant NE/SE are playing supporting Snake Charmer at the End of the World show - outside our local record store during the end of the world. We'll be playing probably a 10 - 15 minute starter of noise, then adding noise to Snake Charmer in all their glory. I would like to record this so hopefully it'll turn into more than a memory for the five people who come out in wintery conditions in December. More info as it becomes available. Remember NE/SE isn't the full band, just the noise elements so if you're expecting to hear a Skull Servant song, you're going to be mistaken.

I think future projects will emerge slowly - Servant #2 is dutifully working on some tapes of his solo material, I've got some things in the pipeline (four or five more songs written and needing the Servant treatment), as well as video projections to work on, as well as Dub versions of the Watching 7" EP.

No limits or boundaries except what how we constrain ourselves. Lies are just truths recontextualized. Sludging forward mired in muck.


Watching Update(s)

OK, back again, for more hits. Finished recording vocals for "Watching 2", "Listening" and "Watching", of course, now waiting on Servant #3 to finish their guitar tracks. Then mastering, and off to the plant for pressing. Interesting developments will follow I'm sure.

Servant #1 and #2 have been hard at work with Skull Servant NE/SE - of course those tracks need constant tweaking and reconsideration. One ten minute track "Satellites" is finished (or as finished as we ever get). Will upload it to Soundcloud when ready for public consumption.

Got the delightful Trogotronics 101 box, really really fun box - hope to implement it into the stuff we're doing really soon.

Hope to collaborate with some excellent local bands before the year is out. Might crash a show or two, who knows what's going to happen.

Check out the favourites in the YouTube channel (click the video below and click the user name there) found some really interesting stuff from pranksters and Einsturzende Neubauten.

Also pick up the song "Ideas" on the appropriately named "Destroy Music" compilation put out by Schizophrenic Records.

Fucking go.


Media Conglomerate - Fucking Go!

The video arm of the Skull Servant Media conglomerate has undertaken it's first project. Skewering the (blood) thirsty Stephen Harper and his ridiculous double-speak with talking/not talking with the media. Enjoy our YouTube glory:

In other news, new gear acquisitions, Tascam 414 cassette multitrack to create and run multitrack noise loops. Using these as a bed to simulate percussion when the Skull Servant NE/SE (Noise Ensemble/Sonic Experiments) part takes better effect. I suspect we'll be doing some live performances this summer as NE/SE and hopefully as a full band towards the winter - in preparation for the release of the Watching 7" EP.

Speaking of the Watching 7" EP, need to re-record vocals, and add a guitar track or four. Should be finished in the next little while. I plan on having it mastered by the end of summer, and hopefully out by the end of October. Timeline looks good -cover art may take more time than we're currently able to devote.

Also, heard the Skull Servant track on the Destroy Music compilation.Thudding creepy music by luddites (us). All Hail and respect for project Inspiration: Krumins.


Upcoming Skull Servant Bits

1. The fourth Skull Servant song "Ideas" will appear on the forthcoming Destroy Music compilation on Schizophrenic Records. Typically, Skull Servant isn't interested as a group in appearing on comps - there's too little control over the end product, which is something that I'm interested in, and other participants are keen on too. So to say that we would appear on a comp, well, that's a big deal to us. Hope you like the song, it will only be available on the comp.

2. Related to the end bit, we're done recording for our first release - Watching. This 7" EP (A Side: Watching 2 / Listening, B Side: Watching) will be out on vinyl towards the end of 2012 (timeframe is looking like October, but we'll see). First pressing will be on red vinyl, out of 200. Subsequent pressings will occur, dependent on demand. I don't have any intention of letting it become a collector commodity, so if there's demand, there's demand. It will be the first release on Servant Music.

Here's the unmastered version of Watching:

3. Additionally, there may be a cassette version of Watching.

4. Skull Servant (Noise Ensemble/Sonic Experiments) will release a tape after the Watching 7" EP is out, look for it around early November. Also Skull Servant (NE/SE) will be performing over the summer and hope to capture those performances and release those via DVD or just post them on YouTube. I like the idea of a complete product that provides additional context.