
Listening 7" EP (Digital Version) Now Available

Skull Servant Listening Cover
This thing took too long to make.

Go to the Skull Servant Bandcamp and grab it for free. Donate if you like. Recirculated if you like. Feedback on it is appreciated, but won't influence us. Unless it's the ear-piercing squealing kind. E-mail us at skullservantnoise@gmail.com if you're really keen on sharing your two bit ideas.

Patches are available again, visit Hammer City Records to pick one up - $1 suggested price.


Servant #2 Would Like To Announce

This happened in the last MRR...

We appreciate the kind words written by Al Quint. Intriguing is something we're hoping to provoke from the listener. We're trying not to sound like other bands, we don't want to sound like them. Fuck them. 

Ominous. Yes. Industrial Clatter. Yes